Choosing your wedding day style

Choosing your Makeup and Hairstyle for your wedding day can be daunting, especially if you’re not used to doing much with your every day beauty. I’ve put together this little guide to give you a head start on how to choose some looks to bring with you to your trial and get a feel for what will work best for you.

Your everyday style: If you’re known to rock a red lip or have been wearing cat eye liner your whole life, you probably shouldn't do minimalist makeup for your wedding day. And if you never ever wear anything but tinted moisturizer and clear mascara, heavy makeup might feel very disjointed for you. How do you normally wear your makeup or hair for a regular night out, how about for when you attend a wedding? Keep your personal vibe in mind but don’t be afraid to go a bit stronger than usual. You still want to feel like you, but it might also be the one day you really do it up, whatever that is for you.

Hair color & length, eye color & skin tone: Some makeup suits blue eyes better while other styles suit green or brown eyes better. When searching for inspiration sometimes putting your eye color or hair color into the search can give you better ideas of what looks best with your coloring. Warm skin tones also often look better with warmer colors where pink undertones and paler tones often look good with cooler toned makeup. Hair styles look very different depending on the length, cut and color of your hair, some styles look very textured for blondes but can be a bit less dimensional on dark brunette hair, it often helps give a better visual if you put “brunette updo” rather than just “bridal updo” when you search for photos since it can vary the end result so much.

The overall vibe of your wedding: Where will you say “I do”? Does it look like a castle, an estate or will it be oceanside, or in a forest? What season will it be? Consider the setting, your vision for the day like your venue, florals or rental elements when planning your hair and makeup. If your venue and details are glamorous and over the top you don’t want the makeup to fall flat next to them, you can probably spare to be a bit more bold in your beauty choices. If you’re outside, softer might be better.

Dress style: Consider your dress when thinking about your hair and makeup. A higher neckline can look very good with your hair up and really showcase that feature, as well as a sleeveless, off the shoulder or cap sleeve looks very good with down styles. Blush tones in your dress might make you want to pull in soft pinks and champagne and go a bit softer. If your dress is very lacy or ornate with appliqués or crystals you may want a simpler more neutral makeup to let the dress shine or you may want to go bold with your lashes and hair extensions and go for a fuller glam to complement the intricate nature of your dress. Vintage feeling dress styles often feel more complete with a modern vintage hair and makeup style; same with a soft feminine dress with soft feminine makeup/hair.

Pinterest can be a great resource for inspiration images, here’s a link to my curated Bridal Beauty board to give you some ideas and jumping off points.